Long Awaiting Break Free!

NL and I had been waiting for this day to come since the last IT show in Mar. Both of us has been discussing what camera to buy and finally the day came for us to decided before the GST hike in July 😛 **kiasu us**

Since some cannot make it for the trip, only both of us went ahead with our plan.

NL had an haircut appointment at 1pm, so since I’m TOO FREE at home that day, I ‘insisted’ having lunch with her at Suntec, and had decided that I will go for the book fair while she went for her haircut.

So we met early for our lunchie, but who knows, as per ‘usual’, someone ‘absent-minded’ works again. 😛 She forgotten to bring out her hp and so …

I was already at Cityhall station when she sms-ed me that she will be late. In order not to stand around like a ‘gong gong’ for half an hour, I went in search for a cafe while waiting for her.


I had passed by this cafe many times when I came to Citylink, but din know that they have an enclosed seating area which I find it very cosy. After ordering a glass of ice lemon tea, I took a table near the window glass where I could see flocks of ppl oncoming from the station.

After waiting for dunno how long, the girl in red arrived ^_* And so we headed straight towards Suntec for our lunch at Mc.

Understand from NL that she had wanted to buy the Shrek’s hairband … just for the sake of taking a pix with it on her. Actually I dun mind, but think she received numerous ‘shocked’ eyes around when she told her ‘dream’ to some ppl days before, so much so that she dun dare to buy it. Poor thing …

Anyway today is the break free from my near 2 wks forced diet due to the rare (to me) throat ucler, I need to eat something ‘special’. And so we ordered the newly introduced Grilled Chicken Teppanyaki Burger set.


Both agreed that it was yummy! The mayo seems a bit salty though but after adding a bit of their garlic chili, the mixture was less salty and taste better. The grilled chicken meat seems to came from the thigh cos it was very tender and juicy : )

As for the fries, after adding the seaweed powder, they tasted like some tibit crackers … something like my fav. veg crackers. But then I still prefer the original fries without too much salt.

While eating the set, both reminded of their former promotional burger, Samurai Burger. That was simply YUMMY! I missed that very much … do you think it will come back again? And someone kept thinking that promotional set was Oriental Burger … hahaha … **faint**

By the time we finished our meal, it was near 1.30pm … and someone’s appt was actually 1pm @_@ … so I reckoned our trip to PC show will be late. But nevermind, I will have more time at the bookfair which I was also looking forward to. : )

Anyway in order not to let the history repeat itself, we had agreed to check our hp every now and then, and to meet at the PC show exhibition hall entrance.

Suntec City was exceptionally crowded that day, especially because a small part of the shops area was sealed up which caused a small ‘human’ jam towards the galleria. Upon reaching the ex-congress kopitiam, I was suddenly bewildered by the deco ahead. It looks like a library to me (u know like those u saw in harry potter that kind) more than a FOODCOURT! And yes, it’s newly opened Republic Foodcourt.


As I walked pass that path towards the conference hall, there was time when there was totally no movement at all. I really pity those ppl who ordered their food on the other side of the path and to cross over to the other side to be back to their seat. I think the food would have been cold by then. Not a good choice to eat there during such highly populated exhibitions period (esp. both bookfair and pc show held co at the same exhibition centre, on a public holiday and long school holiday). After squeezing through the crowd, I finally made my way up to the bookfair at level 4.


I was rather shocked to see that the fair was quite ’empty’ (usually it was very crowded). I strolled my way from one end of the hall to the other end of the hall. As I have yet to read those books I bought during last yr’s bookfair :P, I only aimed to buy a chinese idioms dictionary to improve on my chinese ‘blog’ entries.

And so happened while strolling towards this (think is M’sia) booth, the origami captured my attention. They were simply nice and beautiful. Have a ‘chat’ with the creator and bought the book without thought (aiya! I should have a pix with her or get her signature on the book :P)


Just as I was going to walk further down to look at the other booths, N called and sms but I din know even though I held the phone pouch out. So went out of the hall and gave her a call back. As I wanted to check out on 1 or 2 more books inside before we proceeded to go upstairs for our camera purchase, I had her meeting me at the hall entrance instead. It was almost 3.30pm then.

Upon reaching level 6, the ‘world’ was totally different!!! The entrance area at level 4 was clean and pick, but it was totally different at level 6 where the PC show was. Brochures and leaflets were all over the area. That’s an ugly sight for a ‘well-known’ ‘clean city’. Many ppl were seen sitting on the floor with their purchases and we got to understand why later too.


Thought with the help of the floorplan, we can go straight to the booth we wanted, but there dun seems any floorplan around at the main entrance. Anyway not to delay further, we tried our luck in the search for Panasonic booth. It was extremely crowded when we stepped into the hall and could only see Canon within our reach. Soon I managed to spot a big Panasonic sign ahead, and so we squeezed thru Acer booth to get the shortcut 😛


NL said we were like a rich tai tai at that moment cos we bought the S$599 camera, with testing, asking, thinking, confirming, paying and checking, all in less than 15mins. We were both shocked when the sale girl gave us another bulky paper bag consisted of a free bulky safety case, which was in additional to the already bulky paper bag. So which means we cun go any further to explore more. With the 2 bulky paper bags each, we had a hard time squeezing thru the crowd which was JUST a short distance away.

After we ‘braved’ thru the ‘storm’, we were like the rest, sat down on the floor with our barangs. So those seated there were all warriors of the fair … hahaha … (I saw from the news that nite that the first 5 hrs from the opening of the PC Show has already ‘invited’ lots of ppl … and we might be one of them 😛 … no wonder so crowded …)


With barely even 4pm, we proceeded to Marina Square for some shopping spree … not really a spree kind la ^_*. GSS mah, just buy watever is neccessary at a much cheaper price “P Like the sneaker which I bought for $15. I’m actually looking for a suitable one to wear during my trip to Shanghai this mth-end. NL got a purple sweater for the same price too. Cheap and nice.


And yes … cheap … cos a blouse I bought for cny was selling at $30+ initially with some discounts then, but when I bought a different colour after cny, more discount. And when my sis bought it in Mar, the price dropped further. So that day I saw it again, and guess wat!!! It was selling at $15?!?!!? @_@ Ok nevermind, it was left with black/grey/white, so dull … my colours are brighter … hmph!


We din buy much … simply window-shopping-ing at MS until we felt hungry again and headed for our dinner at Azabu Sabo. Yeh! ^_*




Tori Karaage

We ordered Tori Karaage (crispy chicken w japanese style sauce) as our starter … oh yes! Their green tea is simply nice. We refilled that numerous-ly “P

cold ramen noodle with seafood in sesame mayonnaise (before mixed)

As recommended in one of the food blogs which I frequented, I ordered their cold ramen noodle with seafood in sesame mayonnaise. Whao! It’s simply refreshing and yummy! (yummy is the best word to describe when u cun find a word to describe 😛 ) The moment the friendly waitress placed down the dish, I almost ‘fainted’ cos the serving was (seems) very big! But soon, I finished all up … hehehe … And the taste enhanced more with the yellow thingy sauce … wasabi la.


cold ramen noodle with seafood in sesame mayonnaise (after mixed)

ramen with scallop & butter in soup

NL ordered the promotional ramen with scallop & butter in soup. Butter in soup sounds weird right? But the aroma and the taste from the soup is … ok change word … Heavenly “P

And as mentioned in the same food blog to go for something special than the norm ice cream flavour set with easy to obtained fruits but at a higher price, I chose the famous Hokkaido Mattcha Ice Cream. NL’s promotional meal set came with the green tea sundae which the base was like those of a less sweeten ‘tau sa piah’. Nice too but a bit filling. Anyway she managed to finish it up. Well, we were actually big eater … hehehe …


As both of us needed to be back to watch the 10pm TVB drama, we left the place after browsing at the nearby shoes shop.

A very satisfing day out with my long-waiting break free from bored meals. I managed to ‘fulfil’ 2 of the items on my ‘recovering-to-eat list’ “P. More to come … **evil smile**

Long Awaiting Break Free!









我突愣了一下 @_@ 怎麽说我”丑”呢?**伤心** 😦



唉 呦 ! 伤 脑 筋 ! 华 语 跟 广 东 话 有 时 还 真 不 能 一 起 并 用 。会 闹 出 像 这 样 的 笑 话 。小 孩 子 嘛 。。。还 真 好 笑 。

老 实 说 现 在 的 小 朋 友 都 很 厉 害 ,多 少 都 比 我 们 小 时 候 来 的 ” 成 熟 ” 吧 ! 会 害 臊 ,会 选 朋 友 等 。可 能 是 他 们 这 年 龄 所 接 触 的 事 物 比 我 们 当 年 来 的 早 ,懂 得 也 比 我 们 当 年 的 多 。

孩 子 们 的 父 母 都 是 属 予 我 们 这 年 龄 层 的 。教 育 程 度 多 多 少 少 都 比 上 一 代 来 的 高 。教 导 孩 子 的 方 式 就 更 不 用 说 了 。

有 的 语 言 能 力 还 比 大 人 超 强 ( 基 本 上 是 比 我 超 强 啦 ) 。这 样 的 小 朋 友 我 还 挺 怕 的 ! 怕 他 不 知 会 在 什 麽 时 候 ,什 麽 地 点 ,什 麽 情 况 之 下 问 你 东 西 。答 的 令 他 满 意 还 无 所 谓 ,若 不 满 意 的 话 ,顶 回 的 话 也 许 会 令 你 顿 时 间 难 堪 。若 在 公 共 场 所 就 要 为 尴 尬 了 。

但 记 忆 中 。我 妈 咪 也 有 过 这 样 的 经 验 耶 。。。




还好我妈咪没晕倒 “P


最 近 不 知 是 否 太 过 燥 热 ,无 端 端 得 了 口 腔 疮 ,痛 得 我 要 命 !

由 予 伤 口 靠 近 智 慧 牙 ,我 还 以 为 是 智 慧 牙 作 祟 ,原 来 是 已 发 炎 的 疮 已 深 入 到 右 牙 龈 及 偏 近 喉 咙 的 周 围 了 ! 右 脸 侧 还 微 肿 了 起 来 ,好 恐 怖 啊 ! 只 要 轻 微 砰 到 水 就 像 伤 口 撒 到 盐 似 的 ,痛 痛 (:~_~:)

现 在 虽 没 周 一 那 天 那 麽 严 重 ,但 还 是 不 能 有 多 大 幅 度 的 移 动 嘴 巴 ,也 只 能 在 齿 缝 间 说 话 了 😦

原 本 这 周 末 会 到 Kukup 奎 笼 吃 海 鲜 晚 餐 ,看 日 落 日 出 ,及 吃 当 地 早 餐 ,现 在 已 是 泡 汤 了 ! ( SK, sorry 。。。 放 你 飞 机 了 m(_ _)m)

很 奇 怪 的 是 ,知 道 我 情 况 的 同 事 朋 友 们 还 是 猛 叫 我 叁 与 ,建 议 我 最 多 吃 鱼 及 清 淡 的 食 物 咯 。

问 题 是 ,叫 我 这 麽 蚕 嘴 的 人 ,看 着 大 家 吃 海 鲜 大 餐 ,美 味 早 餐 ,而 我 只 能 吃 普 通 的 料 理 ( 还 有 人 叫 我 自 备 面 包 去 ! **晕倒** @_@ ) ,我 怎 们 能 忍 受 得 了 ! 简 直 是 折 磨 我 嘛 ! 这 样 我 还 不 如 呆 在 家 ,吃 我 的 通 心 粉 。而 且 ,现 在 稍 微 吃 到 带 点 海 鲜 的 菜 肴 ,我 的 伤 口 就 微 痛 及 发 痒 。

话 又 说 回 来 ,我 都 吃 得 这 麽 清 淡 了 ,怎 麽 还 是 没 轻 下 来 呢 ? (**扁嘴**)

唉 ! 通 常 在 不 适 合 ‘ 乱 ‘ 吃 的 时 候 ,都 会 想 着 各 式 各 样 在 ‘ 痊 愈 ‘ 後 的 大 吃 计 。

我 的 ‘ 菜 单 ‘ 还 挺 长 的 呢 ! “P

1) Botak Jones sausage set
2) Hog’s Breath salmon (esp. mashed potato)
3) Dim Sum
4) 粽子(金文泰熟食中心里有摊卖的粽子超好吃!)
5) KFC, Mc, Burgerking
6) Tonichi

有 待 增 加 中 。。。


Towards The East

Many people think I’m crazy to go airport so early just for … BREAKFAST!?! “P

Actually since last year, I had this crazy planning of Heartland Malls Hop … meaning dropping by at all the heartland malls which were accessible via mrt. “P

Well, you might say I’m crazy. But Singapore being Singapore is so small, there’s almost nowhere to shop at. Or rather I was already very bored with Orchard and Bugis, cos they are the common centralised areas for most gatherings who lived at different parts of Singapore.

And since I was rather ‘hardworking’ lately, I don’t mind travelling all the way to the east to have my breakfast with one of my best-est friends 😛

Let me see … 3 years ago when I’m out of job, I had been to the heartland malls at the north-west area. Lot 1 @ CCK, Limbang Plaza within feeder bus distance from CCK, West Mall @ Bt. Batok, CWP @ Woodlands (this has become a rather frequent one cos my sis stayed there).

Last year x’mas I went Junction 8 @ Bishan, 2nd time since 2001 … I think. There were a lot of changes … new extention with more shops, and more crowded then before.

Ok, back to the airport hop. Frankly speaking, other than taking flight for overseas trips, I had never really ‘tour’ around our World Class Airport. I had always relunctant to take mrt to the airport though it’s very convenient (realised since this trip).

I’m supposed to meet Lan (yes, we had been meeting each other for 3 consecutive days) around 10.15am at Tanah Merah platform. Last nite last min was informed that her hubby had to work till late afternoon today, and so she had to bring her kids along. As I left home slightly late, I only reached there 10.30am after 45mins of direct travelling from near west-end to the other near east-end. And since she had to bring kids out, it’s common that the mother will be late “P. She only reached around 11am. So waiting for half an hour gong-gong-blur-blur-ly at the platform, and since nothing to do, I just take pix 😛


My first time to be at the Changi Airport MRT station. Seldom (or none) see control station located on the platform. And it looks more like a check-in counter for flights boarding than the gantry for the mrt passengers.


Upon stepping out from the gantry, we went straight to L3 of T1 to look for Lan’s friend, K at the skyview lounge.

As Lan’s elder son wasn’t feeling well that day, we went to Crystal Jade for porridge before we had our proper lunch later in the afternoon. P joined us at the restaurant.

After our not-so-full-but-just-nice brunch, we headed off to the skyview lounge for chat … and planes viewing @_@


K left around 2pm+ while the rest headed off for lunch at Swensen on L1. We ordered rodeo wings and deep fried mushrooms as our side order. I like both side orders. The deep fried mushrooms are surprising yummy.

Soon my main course order came, my usual order of Crayfish Pasta. I had wanted to order some meaty course but since Lan wanted some side orders, so I just choose the ‘non-filling’ crayfish pasta (actually it’s equally full “P ). Somehow I find that the serving ganishing was much different from the other city branches, presentation was good but not the food, not as tasty. At this moment, I noticed the next table orders of the Caribbean Treasures set, looks yummy :-))

After the main course, I had them served up the Goldrush … for myself 😛 Lan ordered banana split while P ordered frosted chocolate malt which we found that too(x10) sweet.

Soon P left too, while Lan and me continued to chat. Recently we just had a lots to chat 😛

We left the airport around 4pm+, and both relunctantly to leave for the day, we were wondering what’s exhibition was at the Expo then. But after much consideration, we headed off to Tampines Mall.


Highly populated place cos it’s too(x10) crowded!!!! I used to hang out these malls when I’m studying at TP. But there wasn’t such horrible crowd then. There seems a lot of new shops/stalls to browse through at Tampines but looking at the crowd, we decided NOT to step in to Century Square. And so we ended up at Mc of Tampines Mall … for further chat until Lan’s hubby came by to fetch them up for his grandmother last-min-change-of-birthday-dinner.

Towards The East

Sumo House & K

Cat has been feeling down much lately. And beening her almost 19yrs 4mths+ friend, I volunteered to accompany her to dinner at Clementi (cos she’s working late that nite) after my family dinner at home. Friend enough! ^_*

Who knows when she got the news that there are 2 KTVs in Clementi, she suggested k and called MZ to join as well. Oh! @_@

Well, since tomorrow is Friday and this friend really need someone to talk to, so no choice … lor … hehehe…

I suggested to them to dine at Sumo House since it’s below KBox, and since it’s quite recommended for cheap and nice japanese set from another blog.




Both ordered Salmon Teriyaki set meal which came with free flow of green tea (self service near the entrance) for $4.90. I tried a bit on their set, and all 3 of us agreed that the teriyaki sauce was very salty. I’m very particular with japanese rice. Their rice wasn’t that good, very tasteless, no vinegar taste at all and very dry too. But well, since it’s the price we paid for, so we shouldn’t be too particular with the food right? (I dun like to agreed with that though)


Since I just had my dinner at home, I just joined in for some side orders and drink “P We ordered the gyoza set at only $1.90 and the fried scallop set at $2+ (I think … cun remember). Anyway Cat was the one who treated us, so … 😛

We entered in to Kbox around 9pm+ and was surprised to know that it’s Ladies’ Nite offer. We just had to pay for the drinks and tibits.

Note: the mixed choco+coffee freeze (cun remember the actual name) is very nice

I think we sang till midnite before we decided to leave cos we still need to work the next day. Luckily for me, my home is just across the road. Both had to take cab back to their home at Clementi West and … Simei! @_@

Sumo House & K

Hi-Tea @ Mezza 9

20070504movietickets-sThe day before I was told there’s 12 free movie tickets for Spiderman 3, but I forgo that to the gathering (I preferred gathering than watch movie even though it’s FREE). So ended up giving my 6 free tickets to my 1/2 bro and his friend, and a friend with his family 🙂 Good hur me ^_*

CL has actually eye -ed on mezza9 after reading from a newpaper(?). So I helped to organise since I’m also keen to try out there.

We had actually booked a table for 10 but 6 of us turned out instead. Anyway we were given an ideal ‘isolated’ table … away from the rest of the diners.

As everyone is late (again) for the booking time, I rushed down via cab and reach there just in time. But got panic cos I couldn’t find the restaurant. To my dismay none of them know where to. Anyway managed to find it at the end of a spiral staircase from the main entrance. (hehe…had went in to the hotel from the side door and just headed straight towards Straits Kitchen so that’s why :P)

I was greeted by few friendly staffs the moment I stepped into the restaurant and was led to a table ‘super’ near the seafood buffet section ^_*



Soon the rest arrived and we began our scouting.

I started walking towards the fruit juices section and was ‘stopped’ by a chef inside the buffet table. “BECAREFUL MDM!!” Paused my step immediately and realised I’m almost going to bump into the full length transparent glass wall!!! @_@ No wonder the buffet area looked so spaceous.

So after being warned, I warned the rest who were going towards that area and proceed on to check out the other side instead. So me and AY went the other way and this time was stopped by one of the staffs who told us that the other section is for customers who order ala carte food. @_@ And so only the fruit juice section and the seafood section available?!

I asked the staffs and was told that other buffet table was located right at the other side of the restaurant (where most buffet diners were).

We found out that there were only 2 buffet tables, dessert and pizza (or watever) sections. And THAT’S ALL! @_@ (sorry too many shocks)





Anyway, compliments given to the yummy chocolate milk drink and the freshy tiger prawns 🙂 So $35+++ per pax still worth lah (值回票价) … since I ate almost 1kg of it … oops! not that much lah 😛


We stayed till the hi-tea closing hour and went Far East Plaza for a short shopping before PL, NL and I went for more window-shopping and dinner when the rest parted. And yes! Dinner! cos we were ‘kinda’ of hungry again around 8+ (sorry our stomach are simply hollow 😛 )

So we went to Central Hong Kong Cafe 中环茶餐厅 at Taka b1 for our … ay … supper?

Yin Yang 鸳鸯, Lime with plum juice 吉仔酸梅 and Central French Toast 中环法兰西多士
I like their French Toast and Yin Yang

Silver Fish Fried Rice 银鱼三黄蛋炒饭
A OK dish

Fried Nissin Lean Meat Noodle 鼓油王餐蛋炒一丁
Surprisingly this instant noodle is the most yummy one among the rest that we ordered

XO Fried Turnip Cake 香煎萝卜丝饼配XO酱
The taste was just nice too : )

So far of the few hong kong cafe I went to in Spore, they served the best food. Yet to try Kim Gary at vivo … hmm will try one day ^_*

My ONLY shopping barang for this day … first time try … dunno good mah

Hi-Tea @ Mezza 9

Hog’s Breath Cafe @ Holland V

I planned this dinner with them last min the day before cos since I’m already out in the afternoon. Thought I would be able to meet them for dinner at Bugis instead but one of my friends need to fetch her kids out as well so could only arrange at somewhere near her place.

The journey from Bugis to Holland V took almost 45mins. And by the time I reached there, they were already in search of a Korean restaurant which they found in vain. I suddenly thought of Hog’s Breath Cafe having the UOB cc 1-for-1 promotion … and it’s only applicable to the HV branch. Taking advantage of this offer and since they couldn’t find a place for the dinner, I suggested the place to them.


I was quite ‘shocked’ the moment we reached at the restaurant, cos it’s opened concept! Under recent hot weather, that’s not a wise choice. But luckily there is a 2nd level to it, and it’s air-conditioned 😛


Quite a cosy place. And because of the 1-for-1 promotion, we were rather limited to 3 categories in the menu … Prime Rib Steak, Grills & Other Stuffs, and those courses written on the chalkboard. I remembered them very well cos the poor waitress had to repeat-dunno-how-many-times due to poor understanding from my friend 😛


CT happened to have a heavy lunchie and so only ordered Caesar Salad. Quite a filling one for a norm caesar salad.


FL having 2 small kids with her, she ordered Text-Mex Combo. The grilled sirloin steak though medium rare was still toughed for chewing. The chicken chimichanga (popiah-looked one) was yummy, but still it seems like curry puff to me 😛


As for me, I ordered Atlantic Salmon. I like this dish! I like the freshie from the grilled salmon. Being a potato fanatic, I opted for the mashed potato which served in a big ice-cream-scoop-like. Simply yummy!!!

Overall serving is good. Generous serving of food and friendly smile from staffs there. Recommended place to go 🙂

Though feeling full with the dinner, we ended up at Swensen for our desserts … Topless 5.

Wah! Today I ate a lot leh … ** as if I have never ate that much every time 😛 **

Hog’s Breath Cafe @ Holland V

A Lazy Friday Afternoon

I was ‘forced’ to take half day leave to accompany my dear sis to temple cos I dun have much leaves left and would like to use that for any future trips for this year. But since my sis ‘special’ requested, I just had to take that lor 😛

After rushing to clear work in the morning (there’s always seems a lots of unfinished works to clear when you are taking half day afternoon on a Friday!), I quickly rush down to Bugis to meet 大妹 for lunching at MOS burger. Dunno why both of us regretted lunching there that day after feeling unsatisifed with the food, and regretted not choosing Mc for their Fish Fantasy instead 😛

2007050410sOnce we were done with our prayings at 四马路, we headed straight to Liang Seah Street for our desserts at the planned Tong Shui Restaurant. Upon reaching the restaurant, the feeling was weird cos there wasn’t any patrons at all and the staffs were idling around. So still not a good place for chat if we were ‘watched’ by them. In the end we decided to try the desserts at Ah Chew Desserts °阿秋甜品 shop which we passed by earlier.

I had always wanted to try their desserts but it was usually fully packed in the evening.


After settling down in this ancient-chinese-feel dessert shop, I ordered my favourite 姜汁鲜奶炖蛋 (I missed the one I ate in Macau) while 大妹 ordered 百合红豆沙. I like the ginger taste in my steamed egg with milk. The taste was just nice for me. The red bean soup with gingo nut (with orange peel taste) was just nice for 大妹 too cos it wasn’t too sweet for taste.

It wasn’t long before we returned back to Bugis Junction for my Singnet subscription.

This afternoon seems exceptionally slow and zombie-feel for both of us cos soon we feel tired again and decided to settle down for a cup of coffee … to perk myself up cos I have another dinner appt at nite.

We chose De Toast to our usual Coffee Bean cos I was captured by the design of their table … it’s in a shape of a bread toast which I had never really noticed until today. And also because they served Vietnamese Coffee and some interesting pizza toast.



The aroma from the coffee was fragrance, but hmm … maybe this small shop is financial-constraint or shortage of cups at that moment, the coffee is served in a foamed cup … very non-eco-friendly. It would be better if they used a proper cup for that. Their pizza toast was yummy, though the ingredients are simple and easy to buy. 大妹 said she wanted to try doing that at home too 🙂

As it was almost reaching 5.15pm and I had to take bus to another appt location at Holland V, we decided parted before the peak hour start.

A Lazy Friday Afternoon

A Hearty Chat

Ever since we accompanied Lan for her DND dress shopping a mth+ ago, we started going gym together and had arranged few dinners … almost once a week.

It hasn’t been easy arranging such meet ups all these while cos they had family and kids at home, and so treasured these recent dinner gatherings very much. Somehow it gave me the kind of feeling as if we were back to our secondary school times (or rather before they had bfs) where we always had these kind of dinner gatherings or outings almost once or twice every week.

2007050308sThis time round, taking the advantage of 1-for-1 promotion, MZ suggested ladies nite at Cafe Brio of Grand Copthorne Waterfront. Though only 4 were available for the nite, we still had a hearty dinner.

The only disappointment was the food. The variety was small.

Sushi and sashimi wasn’t that fresh where each piece was badly cutted.

I was thinking maybe they couldn’t think of other dishes, and so used the chicken meat to cook 5 different cookings … roasted, steamed, curry, lemon marinated, some-current or berry mixed. Their chicken rice is nice though, but not to the extend of specially going back for that.

Their prawns and oysters were ‘quite’ fresh.

Thought the cereal prawns will be good cos my friends like them very much. But after eating 1 piece, it’s another disappointment for me. The cereal was mixed well with the sugar, cos I could taste the small junk of sugar taste on it.

The most disappointed dish was the rojak, somemore it was mixed by the chef behind the stall. It was dry and super salty. The prawn paste wasn’t mixed well at all!!!

Luckily the ice creams and chocolate fondue managed to atone for the disappointments. But really, if not for the 1-for-1 offer, I would not have stepped into this place. No sincerity I could say.

**** side track a bit ****
The Grand Shanghai in the same hotel was soooooo much better which wasn’t that cheap though. The cheapest set meal I could remember is $248. But the embience was good. If not because of a FREE department dinner there, I dun think I would have the ‘chance’ to arrange one there “P
**** end of side track 😛 ***

Nevertheless, it’s always the company you were with then, one whom you could confide with during your downtime, one whom brought out ‘brightness’ from a dull meal. I came to realised that recently …

P/S: I had actually took pix of the dishes I ate, but as mentioned above, it’s too disappointing to show out 😦

A Hearty Chat


最 近 新 闻 报 道 有 关 一 位 女 生 因 工 作 疲 劳 过 度 而 逝 世 ,享 年 才 二 十 九 岁 。

读 了 她 的 遭 遇 ,就 让 我 想 起 我 之 前 那 份 工 作 所 经 历 的 。。。何 尝 不 是 那 样 。

在 那 ㄦ 工 作 是 我 有 史 以 来 连 做 梦 都 会 梦 到 ,睡 觉 前 还 要 先 想 隔 天 该 做 的 事 。到 了 办 公 室 ,开 启 电 脑 就 是 一 大 堆 要 回 复 的 邮 件 。桌 上 的 电 话 留 言 信 箱 不 停 的 闪 着 ,有 如 心 跳 一 般 。

时 而 要 做 ‘ 辅 导 员 ‘ ,劝 对 方 冷 静 ( 其 实 是 我 要 冷 静 下 来 ) 。时 而 又 是 对 方 的 ‘ 沙 包 ‘ ,任 对 方 喊 骂 却 又 不 能 作 声 ( 不 想 干 啦 哈 !) 。每 天 工 作 到 晚 上 ,一 个 月 的 加 班 费 都 有 我 半 个 月 的 新 水 ,多 恐 怖 啊 !

除 了 堆 积 如 山 的 公 文 要 处 理 ,还 要 ‘ 兼 做 ‘ 许 多 的 职 务 。有 时 连 周 末 都 有 任 务 要 职 。若 要 加 睡 眠 ,二 十 四 小 时 都 不 够 用 。

不 只 是 身 心 上 的 疲 累 ,也 是 精 神 上 的 疲 劳 轰 炸 。

终 予 有 一 天 ( 有 史 以 来 在 工 作 场 所 ) 忍 耐 到 了 极 限 ,不 但 没 得 到 安 慰 ,还 被 狠 狠 的 一 瞪 ,终 予 哭 了 起 来 。( 抱 歉 ! 我 真 无 法 忘 记 那 对 眼 神 )

唯 一 能 得 到 安 慰 的 是 ,同 事 们 之 间 的 相 处 。可 能 对 彼 此 的 工 作 性 质 ,所 承 受 的 压 力 都 相 当 了 解 。时 而 还 会 在 办 公 室 内 嘻 嘻 哈 哈 ,傻 笑 一 番 ,日 子 才 不 会 这 麽 难 过 。

我 也 算 是 个 幸 运 ㄦ 。就 在 我 兼 任 周 日 一 职 时 ,让 我 看 到 我 现 任 公 司 的 就 业 启 事 ,只 发 了 一 封 求 职 信 就 成 功 了 ! 因 此 结 束 了 这 场 ‘ 恶 梦 ‘ 。

我 想 。。。就 算 我 离 开 现 任 职 位 ,我 不 会 再 选 择 公 共 服 务 这 一 行 了 ! 因 现 今 社 会 的 人 都 有 这 种 念 头 。。。” 有 钱 大 晒 嘛 !” ( 要 以 广 东 话 读 才 有 那 种 Feel ^^ )

P/S :请 还 在 那 ㄦ 任 职 的 朋 友 们 ,多 多 保 重 身 体 。时 而 松 松 胫 骨 ,发 一 下 神 精 也 好 。但 千 万 别 暴 饮 暴 食 哦 ! ^_*
