Superband Concert Singapore 2010 縱貫線新加坡終點站

Ever since the missed trip, we decided not to miss it again when we heard of their return!

And so off I booked for myself, Cat and MZ. The concert-watching trio 😉

We din managed to get the same good seats we had during Emil Chau’s concert, but instead a 2-rows nearer seats at the same block during Sandy Lam’s concert. Nevertheless, we were still facing straight towards the center.

I remembered Chang Chen-yue mentioned tat we were too obedient, cos we were all ‘obediently’ seated down throughout the 2hrs+ 😛 Only the 1st few rows stood up and swayed towards the songs at the end.

There were both solo and group performance, each members sang about 3-4 songs of their own songs before they sang their band songs. We dun seems to have enough when the whole concert was coming to an end ‘so soon’. Times seemed to pass faster when there are more than 1 singer on stage.

I personally felt tat I enjoyed watching Emil Chau’s performance more, though the other 3 were great too, esp it was my 1st time to see Jonathan Lee still so hyper at tis age 😉

Superband Concert Singapore 2010 縱貫線新加坡終點站

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